
Monday, October 31, 2011


呼伦贝尔草原首条高速公路绥满国道主干线贯通 中广网呼伦贝尔11月2日消息(记者刘源源)内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原首条高速公路——绥满国道主干线阿荣旗至博克图高速公路近日贯通。 全长160公里的阿荣旗至博克图高速公路,是绥满国道主干线的重要组成部分。它总投资57 ... 呼伦贝尔草原首条高速公路绥满国道主干线贯通

Primus Electronics: Board of Directors of the Company issuing new shares for cash capital increase underwritten OTC case

Primus Electronics: Board of Directors of the Company issuing new shares for cash capital increase underwritten OTC case 3 number of shares outstanding (in the case of capital increase from retained earnings, the majority of non-dispensed to employees): 3600000 ~ 4 million shares of 6 Issue price: by the shareholders authorize the Chairman of the actual time for public underwriting, depending on market conditions and underwriting coordinated way to contact the recommended dealers provide the cash increase capital times the final version of the issue price. 7 employees to subscribe for shares or allotment amount: According to Article 267 of the Companies Act states that a reservation issue ...Primus Electronics: Board of Directors of the Company issuing new shares for cash capital increase underwritten OTC case


欧债 周一(美国当地时间,下同),3名身穿全球曼氏金融(以下简称曼氏)制服的交易员,像往常一样试图走进芝加哥商品交易所上班,却发现手中的安全门卡被机器拒绝了。更令他们吃惊的是,网上铺天盖地都是公司申请破产的 这一幕 ... 欧债"吃撑了"美金融巨头曼氏倒下

海宁开建国际物流园 促进当地经济加速转型升级

海宁开建国际物流园 促进当地经济加速转型升级 浙江日报海宁11月1日电今天下午,中远集团下属宁波中远物流有限公司与普泰(香港)集团有限公司合作开发的中远普泰国际物流园项目在海宁开工建设。 中远普泰国际物流园项目是集内河集装箱码头、仓储、保税和海关监管 ... 海宁开建国际物流园 促进当地经济加速转型升级

[New York finish] grease, add ... drop deadline geumyungan referendum concerns

[New York finish] grease, add ... drop deadline geumyungan referendum concerns Asian economies joyunmi news] (CNN) New York stocks tumbled after European markets closed. Change the Dow 297.05 points (2.48%) fell 10,000 completed transactions on 1657.96. S & P500 index 35.02 points (2.79%) fell to 1218.28, Nasdaq 77.45 points (2.89%) fell.[New York finish] grease, add ... drop deadline geumyungan referendum concerns

News Corp. Lawyer Named Three Implicated

News Corp. Lawyer Named Three Implicated By Robert Hutton - Tue Nov 01 18:45:44 GMT 2011 News Corp. (NWSA)'s external lawyer told the company the names of three reporters who may have been "intimately involved" in phone hacking at the News of the World newspaper in 2008, as James Murdoch ... News Corp. Lawyer Named Three Implicated

Province gukak decimal Japanese stage art

Province gukak decimal Japanese stage art Gukakje imbangul winners out there on the show in Japan. 3-5 days of Ghana Education and Cultural Center Kawasaki, Kanagawa. (G) imbangul gukak Association (Chairman gimjungchae) presented to the winners from last year imbangul gukakje stage and a cultural exchange, for a concert in Japan has been progress. ...Province gukak decimal Japanese stage art

香港兰桂坊入驻海口 打造海南特色新生活

香港兰桂坊入驻海口 打造海南特色新生活 中新社海口11月1日电(王子谦)11月1日,香港著名时尚娱乐品牌兰桂坊在海口召开新闻发布会,宣布将正式入驻海口,打造结合香港元素与海南特色的综合休闲项目。 据了解,该项目名称为"观澜湖·兰桂坊·海口",总投资20亿元 ... 香港兰桂坊入驻海口 打造海南特色新生活

Development of the "big farm" to promote the "big agriculture" - the full implementation of agricultural mechanization strategy Puxian

Development of the "big farm" to promote the "big agriculture" - the full implementation of agricultural mechanization strategy Puxian In recent years, Puxian 80,000 farmers, on the 18.8 acres of farmland, to promote agricultural machinery, has made remarkable achievements. Ministry of Agriculture, the county has been identified as the sole province of "mechanized potato production demonstration county", the provincial agricultural bureau as "advanced unit in the province's Agricultural", "the province's agricultural promotion ...Development of the "big farm" to promote the "big agriculture" - the full implementation of agricultural mechanization strategy Puxian

Advani attacks PM, says his govt is paralysed

Advani attacks PM, says his govt is paralysed PTI Sharpening his attack on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, BJP leader LK Advani on Tuesday alleged the Central government led by him lies paralysed and is unable to take any decision because of corruption. dysfunctional and is unable to take any ... Advani attacks PM, says his govt is paralysed

Interest rates head south

Interest rates head south Websites in the Fairfax Digital Network offer streaming video and audio in the Flash format. Streaming media allows you to watch video on a website as a continuous feed, as opposed to waiting for an entire audio or video file to download to your ... Interest rates head south

[13:28] Li Xinying industrial city north to visit Mexico

[13:28] Li Xinying industrial city north to visit Mexico (BW 1 (Xinhua)) Lixin Ying led a delegation on behalf of the Republic of China Ambassador to Mexico from October 27 to 29-day visit to the northern industrial city of Tijuana, Mexico City, in addition to visiting the local Taiwanese investment, and meet the California Economic Development Department under Long Meng Jiarui (Alejandro Mungaray) and local businesses. Meng Jiarui of the delegation stressed that under the California Government particularly in Asia, the only economic and trade promotion offices in ...[13:28] Li Xinying industrial city north to visit Mexico

Sunday, October 30, 2011

全国速度滑冰联赛第二站开赛 于静500米摘金

全国速度滑冰联赛第二站开赛 于静500米摘金 继联赛第一站后,2011-2012年度"波司登雪中飞杯"全国速滑联赛长春B站(第二站)于10月29日至30日在吉林省长春冰上基地开赛。本次比赛,来自辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、解放军、新疆、内蒙古等省、市、自治区28个单位的代表队的近 ... 全国速度滑冰联赛第二站开赛 于静500米摘金


女人的择偶标准永远 女人善变,是因为女人选择伴侣的品位一直在变。如今科学家为她们找到理由,称女人善变,并不全是她们主观意识的问题,比如女士们对于男性外表的偏好,也许就是由某些不受意识左右的因素控制的———比如疾病流行或犯罪 ... 女人的择偶标准永远"与时俱进"

"China News" MIIT: increase efforts to support mobile Internet

"China News" MIIT: increase efforts to support mobile Internet "Economic news agency on the 1st through special hearing" the Ministry said the chief engineer Wang Xiujun, mobile Internet development group opened a new round of major changes and development of technology to promote the integration of the industry, China will further intensify policy support, guide and promote the movement rapid and healthy development of the Internet industry. He said China's development of mobile Internet has three focal points: First, to focus on broadband, speed up the information ..."China News" MIIT: increase efforts to support mobile Internet

Por el delito de secuestro arraigan a 8 policías municipales en Zacatecas

Por el delito de secuestro arraigan a 8 policías municipales en Zacatecas Zacatecas.- Al comprobar plenamente la participación en la privación ilegal de la libertad y agresión física contra tres elementos estatales fueron arraigados ocho Policías Preventivos del municipio de Villa González Ortega. El director y 19 elementos ... Por el delito de secuestro arraigan a 8 policías municipales en Zacatecas

EU leaders summit in Cannes for the G 20 position light out

EU leaders summit in Cannes for the G 20 position light out Group of Twenty (G 20) Cannes summit soon, permanent European Council President Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso on October 29, the other members of the Group of Twenty leaders issued a joint letter calling for members to take joint measures to rebuild market confidence, achieve economic growth, maintain financial stability ...EU leaders summit in Cannes for the G 20 position light out

Rasmussen pone punto final en Trípoli a la misión de la OTAN

Rasmussen pone punto final en Trípoli a la misión de la OTAN Más prolongada de lo previsto, en tiempos de profunda crisis económica, y no exenta de disputas internas entre los socios de la coalición, la campaña militar de la OTAN en Libia, una de las "más exitosas en los 62 años de historia" de la alianza, ... Rasmussen pone punto final en Trípoli a la misión de la OTAN

£950 million Growth Fund boost

£950 million Growth Fund boost Companies including Sheffield's Forgemasters are to receive Government support totalling £950 million which should create or safeguard more than 200000 jobs, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has announced. Mr Clegg, the MP for Sheffield Hallam, ... £950 million Growth Fund boost

Genkai Unit 4, Kyushu Electric Power / in a few days to resume operations, "as they become available, the normal operation"

Genkai Unit 4, Kyushu Electric Power / in a few days to resume operations, "as they become available, the normal operation" Kyushu Electric Power Co. nuclear Genkai (Genkai-cho, Saga Prefecture), the problem was human error problems due to automatic shutdown on the No. 4, October 31, nine power, "as they become available, to return to normal operation (as originally planned). into the regular inspection in December announced the "comments that made it clear that it also be running again in a few days. ...Genkai Unit 4, Kyushu Electric Power / in a few days to resume operations, "as they become available, the normal operation"

Doctors refuse to authorize pot use, patients left in pain

Doctors refuse to authorize pot use, patients left in pain By Sharon Kirkey, Postmedia News October 31, 2011 A decade after Canada legalized the medical use of marijuana, most doctors are still refusing to sign the declarations patients need to get legal access to pot -- meaning patients in pain risk being ... Doctors refuse to authorize pot use, patients left in pain

Halálos tömegszerencsétlenség: 14 halott, két sérült

Halálos tömegszerencsétlenség: 14 halott, két sérült 14 ember meghalt, ketten pedig súlyosan megsérültek, amikor egy román kamion átszakította a szalagkorlátot és összeütközött egy kisbusszal az M43-as autópályán Szeged és Makó között- tájékoztatott a tömegbalesetről a Csongrád Megyei ... Halálos tömegszerencsétlenség: 14 halott, két sérült

Support small and micro enterprise development tax, business tax threshold adjustments

Support small and micro enterprise development tax, business tax threshold adjustments China Economic Net Beijing on October 31 hearing on the amendments to the Ministry of Finance today announced the "Provisional Regulations of the PRC VAT rules" and "Rules for the Implementation of the PRC Provisional Regulations on Business Tax," the decision. This decision has been the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation considered and adopted, since November 1, 2011 onwards ...Support small and micro enterprise development tax, business tax threshold adjustments

MOFA: Embassy of Libya, resumed some

MOFA: Embassy of Libya, resumed some Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 31 announced that it has resumed some operations from June 30 some of the Japanese Embassy in the capital Tripoli was closed in February because of worsening security in Libya. In Libya, "National Council" declared the whole freed from the Gaddafi regime. Read more.MOFA: Embassy of Libya, resumed some

Saturday, October 29, 2011

홍준표 "한미FTA 여야 합의 못하면 모두 침몰"

홍준표 "한미FTA 여야 합의 못하면 모두 침몰" (서울=뉴스1 차윤주 기자) 홍준표 한나라당대표는 31일 한미 자유무역협정(FTA)과 관련,"여야가 합의를 못하고 국회에서 충돌하게 되면 양당이 모두 침몰하게 된다"고 말했다. 홍 대표는 이날 오전 국회에서 열린 최고위원회의에서"국민의 기대는 여야가 국회에서 ... 홍준표 "한미FTA 여야 합의 못하면 모두 침몰"

Pierwszy remis w sezonie

Pierwszy remis w sezonie Po emocjonującym meczu w Poznaniu Legia bezbramkowo zremisował z Lechem w szlagierze 12. kolejki T-Mobile Ekstraklasy. Wszyscy żałowali, że mecz się skończył. Bramek nie było, a mimo to niedzielny mecz Lecha z Legią oglądało się z dużą satysfakcją. ... Pierwszy remis w sezonie

World # 10 'Qantas Australian lockout

World # 10 'Qantas Australian lockout Australian national carrier Qantas Airways flights to labor disputes in front of the aircraft had stopped for two days. World's 10th largest airline, Qantas Airways International pilots' strike on July 22, starting with approximately 120 days are experiencing labor disputes. Reduction of personnel, including 1,000 people in the company's restructuring plan ... trade unionsWorld # 10 'Qantas Australian lockout

Manzano deja fuera de la convocatoria a

Manzano deja fuera de la convocatoria a Madrid, 30 oct (EFE).- Gregorio Manzano, técnico del Atlético de Madrid, ha dejado fuera de la convocatoria a José Antonio Reyes para el partido contra el Zaragoza que se disputará en el Vicente Calderón, desde las 20.00 horas. ... Manzano deja fuera de la convocatoria a

Berget plassen etter måldrama

Berget plassen etter måldrama Strømmen fant målformen akkurat i tide. For Asker ble bare ett poeng på de siste åtte kampene i 1. divisjon for dårlig. Laget må ned i 2. divisjon etter søndagens 1-5 mot Sandefjord samtidig som Strømmen slo Nybergsund-Trysil 6-2. ... Berget plassen etter måldrama

Dalian marriage dating service, chat room j, midnight city chat online sex chat [field]

Dalian marriage dating service, chat room j, midnight city chat online sex chat [field] Difficult to start up after today's market within a narrow range of long and short differences began to appear. Disk appears bright spot is not very prominent today, bank stocks continue to rise and become the backbone of multi-market, iron and steel stocks after a long period after finishing a strong upside to show desire, such as long steel, G, G TISCO, Fushun Special Steel G, G the ...Dalian marriage dating service, chat room j, midnight city chat online sex chat [field]


【カシオペアS】(京都)~ダイワファルコンが人気に応える 京都11Rのカシオペアステークス(3歳以上オープン・芝1800m)は、1番人気ダイワファルコン(北村宏司騎手)が勝利した。勝ちタイムは1分46秒2。半馬身差の2着に5番人気コスモネモシンが、1馬身半差の3着に3番人気ショウリュウムーンがそれぞれ入線。 ...【カシオペアS】(京都)~ダイワファルコンが人気に応える


北京2015年将实现电子信息产业区域联动发展 新华网北京10月30日电(记者 郭宇靖)"十二五"(2011-2015年)期间,北京市将发挥区域特色和集聚效应,以中关村国家自主创新示范区建设为契机,结合"城南行动计划",打造"一带、两区、多支点"的电子信息产业布局,实现区域 ... 北京2015年将实现电子信息产业区域联动发展

Children To Make Libraries Their Second Classroom

Children To Make Libraries Their Second Classroom Mr Gabriel Kploanyi, Volta Regional Director of Education, yesterday asked school children to make libraries their second classroom, to enable them to improve their reading and speaking skills as well as academic performance. ... Children To Make Libraries Their Second Classroom

Leung Chun-ying and Mr Tang will attend the consultation teacher evaluation

Leung Chun-ying and Mr Tang will attend the consultation teacher evaluation Alternative Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, and to consider the election of Mr Henry Tang, attended the morning education council consultation. Leung reiterated their support for fifteen years of free education, but that the decision to be considered, and hope as soon as possible. He also believed that China's modern historical events occurred, even though controversial, can be placed in the national education curriculum. Leung added that parents should be early planning Mainland ...Leung Chun-ying and Mr Tang will attend the consultation teacher evaluation

En un partido ajustado, los chicos del voleibol se quedaron con el bronce

En un partido ajustado, los chicos del voleibol se quedaron con el bronce Fotos - AP Guadalajara (ANTICIPO).- El seleccionado masculino de voleibol, conducido por Javier Weber, se subió al podio de los Juegos Panamericanos disputados en esa ciudad mexicana al vencer al combinado local por un ajustado 3-2, que le permitió ... En un partido ajustado, los chicos del voleibol se quedaron con el bronce

Weekend reading: Panorama Shanghai A-share (Comments)

Weekend reading: Panorama Shanghai A-share (Comments) • Any other media sources for the specified information, are reproduced from other media, does not mean that Ben Wang reproduced agree with their point of view, it does not mean Ben Wang is responsible for its authenticity. If the content of the manuscript that you have any questions or doubts, please contact with the Xinmin, Ben Wang will respond to you quickly and do treatment. ...Weekend reading: Panorama Shanghai A-share (Comments)

Friday, October 28, 2011

纽约遇罕见十月暴风雪 占领华尔街人群留守(图)

纽约遇罕见十月暴风雪 占领华尔街人群留守(图) 10月29日,在纽约曼哈顿,行人在风雪中艰难前行。新华社记者申宏摄 10月29日,在纽约曼哈顿,行人在风雪中艰难前行。新华社记者申宏摄 10月29日,在纽约曼哈顿,行人在风雪中行走。新华社记者申宏摄 10月29日,在纽约曼哈 ... 纽约遇罕见十月暴风雪 占领华尔街人群留守(图)

Presidente de fundo de resgate europeu quer apoio da China

Presidente de fundo de resgate europeu quer apoio da China PEQUIM (Reuters) - O diretor do fundo de resgate europeu buscou convencer a China neste sábado a investir no instrumento monetário ao afirmar que investidores podem estar protegidos contra um quinto das perdas iniciais e que bônus podem ser vendidos em ... Presidente de fundo de resgate europeu quer apoio da China

Takeo use the old city hospital rehab

Takeo use the old city hospital rehab Takeo City Hospital was closed in the former due to the transfer of privatization (Takeo 武雄町富岡) utilizing rehabilitation facility admission type of "House of the new road to return home T." (aka Road House) has expanded its staff and opens on November 01 full poised to accept. Day care center also features functional training to do. ...Takeo use the old city hospital rehab

La arquitectura democrática y activa de Yona Friedman llega a Budapest

La arquitectura democrática y activa de Yona Friedman llega a Budapest La muestra lleva el título "Arquitectura sin construcción", que se refleja el hecho de que los proyectos de Friedman, uno de los más influyentes teóricos de la arquitectura moderna, no se hicieron realidad. Sin embargo, para ilustrar mejor las teorías ... La arquitectura democrática y activa de Yona Friedman llega a Budapest

图文:[中超]北京2-3陕西 张烈救险

图文:[中超]北京2-3陕西 张烈救险 北京,2011年10月29日 (体育)(3)足球——中超:北京国安负于陕西人和浐灞 10月29日,陕西人和浐灞队门将张烈(右一)在门前救险。当日,在2011赛季中国足球超级联赛第29轮比赛中,北京国安队主场以2比3负于陕西人和浐灞 ... 图文:[中超]北京2-3陕西 张烈救险

Lunch scandal involving 5 principals sound bet

Lunch scandal involving 5 principals sound bet Panchiao court investigators lunch scandal, involving the six principals were transferred to the prosecution today re-hearing, denied bribes. After hearing the prosecution seamounts Elementary School Principal Li Mingsheng 1 million bail, the rest sound bet. The interview objects, including seamounts Elementary School Principal Li Mingsheng, WU Yu-Pu Qian U.S. elementary school principals, repair small German Chancellor Zhang Chongren, SiXian elementary school principals Laijie Hong, woods elementary school principals Yip wing, in the Park Elementary School ...Lunch scandal involving 5 principals sound bet

Syrian tanks pound Homs after army defections - residents

Syrian tanks pound Homs after army defections - residents AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian tanks pounded an old district in Homs on Saturday in one of the heaviest barrages since the military intensified an assault on the central city two weeks ago to crush protests and a nascent insurgency, residents said. ... Syrian tanks pound Homs after army defections - residents

Yitaeseong confession of heart "with the ten choejimin

Yitaeseong confession of heart "with the ten choejimin Castle on the 29th Itaewon via their Twitter "'No smoking in the chimney when narya say addictive jipyijido fire, but did reveal a minute to create smoke, here she is," he explained yeolaeseol actively. Followed by "... I just can not infinitely so mitdo utjiyo" he could not conceal that absurd. ...Yitaeseong confession of heart "with the ten choejimin

Clasifican en GP de India

Clasifican en GP de India Esta mañana, a las 5:30 de nuestro país, se realiza la prueba de clasificación del Gran Premio de la India, que desde este año forma parte del calendario del Mundial de Fórmula 1. La carrera será mañana, a las 6:30 de nuestro país (en directo por Fox ... Clasifican en GP de India

Corrupción desbordada para estas elecciones

Corrupción desbordada para estas elecciones Identificado con color azul, reúne toda la información noticiosa de actualidad relevante de una manera ágil, dinámica, concreta e ilustrativa. Identificado con color naranja, es una completa guía para el entretenimiento, dice qué hacer, qué comer, ... Corrupción desbordada para estas elecciones

"Mekong Chinese sailor who killed a soldier in Thailand"

"Mekong Chinese sailor who killed a soldier in Thailand" Him sailor killed 13 people in the Mekong River in China, the Thai soldiers were the Chinese Communist Party organ People's Daily reported acquaintances have People's Daily, today's Internet edition of the perpetrators of the incident in the third township in Thailand 'payimang' nine enlisted troops, part of the troops regardless of personal crime."Mekong Chinese sailor who killed a soldier in Thailand"

BJP warns against removal of AFSPA

BJP warns against removal of AFSPA NEW DELHI: With the government struggling to craft its stance on the contentious question of withdrawal of Armed Forces ( Special Powers) Act from some parts of J&K, the BJP joined the debate by warning the Centre against diluting the law. ... BJP warns against removal of AFSPA

Thursday, October 27, 2011


美国民众对阿富汗战争支持率创新低 新华网华盛顿10月28日电(记者杜静王丰丰)美国有线电视新闻网28日公布的民调结果显示,美国民众对阿富汗战争的支持率已跌至历史新低。 民调显示,目前只有34%的美国人对这场已经持续十年之久的战争表示支持,低于此前 ... 美国民众对阿富汗战争支持率创新低

Australia made ​​to welcome the Queen to visit the world's largest gold (Figure)

Australia made ​​to welcome the Queen to visit the world's largest gold (Figure) WASHINGTON 28, according to foreign media reports, as welcome the visit of Queen Elizabeth of England, Australia, the Perth Mint has made the world's largest gold. The coin engraved on both sides, respectively, kangaroos and the Queen of England's head, diameter 80 cm, 12 cm thick, weighing 1 ton (pictured). ...Australia made ​​to welcome the Queen to visit the world's largest gold (Figure)

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